
Thursday, April 28, 2005

New chapter plan 

I started on chapter five and realised that the story I had originally intended wasn't the one I was writing and that one was about to run out of steam. So I needed to replot the remainder of the book. That was a depressing few days. I lost a bit of confidence in needing to do that even though it was completely necessary.

I have a better plot now, I think, although it's not finished. I'm roughly plotting chapter 19. The villain has killed the heroine (although she will be back) and someone else has to save the day. I have some ideas how that will happen but none of them are set in concrete yet. Exciting!

People are still giving me funny looks on the train as I am writing in my notebook. When I am writing, I often pause and sort of stare in a random direction as I think about what I am going to write. Sometimes that random direction is towards another passenger. Couple that with suddenly scribbling something down immediately afterwards does make it look like I am keeping a secret diary on the people on the train.

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