
Monday, July 04, 2005

Head hunting 

Three posts in one day!

My old company has approached me to try to take me back. I don't want to go. The only attraction, and it is a big one, is that they will be able to pay me a lot more money. I am currently on £40K but have a large mortgage and lots to pay for every month.

My old employer is offering me a contract for £400 per day. If, as the agent suggests, they carry on extending the contract, I could rake in over £90K per year even with 25 days holiday. However, I really don't like the subject area (financial instead of medical) nor the vague sense of uneasiness that being on contract would bring. It's not as if I could take my skills and experience somewhere else. They want me because I have experience of a computer language that no other company in the world uses. If they decide that they don't need me a few months down the line, I could be stuffed.

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