
Monday, January 30, 2006

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, steal my camera 

David and I hosted our Roman Murder Mystery party on Saturday. It was good fun and everyone appeared to enjoy themselves. I would show you pictures but someone has taken my camera. I hope, and believe for the moment, that it was taken mistakenly. Someone else had a camera of a similar appearance so maybe he or his partner picked up mine thinking it was theirs. Maybe.

I would really love to show you pictures of my hired Centurion outfit which was, unfortunately, slightly too small. This was definitely not an outfit to wear if you wanted to go commando. I didn't, I hasten to add. It was drafty enough with pants.

I cast my friend Mark as a Vestal Virgin. He had a very simple costume with a wig that managed to make him look, at times, like Princess Di and, at others, like my niece, Lynne. David's friend Stephen wore the wig later and looked the spitting image of Boris Johnson.

David, as the grieving widow, was dressed in a red winceyette toga and a T-shirt. The toga kept coming undone so I had to help him several times to put it back together.

Actually many people had toga trouble, apart from those who could wear other things. Stephen had a bought Caesar's outfit which looked good on him and his partner, James, had an excellent Cleopatra outfit.

Despite all that, I'm not too keen on hosting another of these events in the near future. If I do, I want to be doing far less cooking than I needed to on Saturday. Also I'll have to try to be better organised so that I don't have to keep dashing out to the kitchen and missing vital clues!

my dear friend Rob, please know that I read your blog and think about you even if I'm not always able to keep in touch very adequately! These are extraordinarily busy days for me, but it will end soon, and you will hear from me again! I'm sorry for my silence. I rode the "L" this afternoon for the first time since last May and it was just as awful as I'd remembered... Anyway, be well!
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