
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Health and safety 

Great! Note the use of the sarcastic exclamation mark. It looks pretty much the same as a regular one but its effect is to completely reverse the meaning of the preceding statement.

The reason for the sarcastic punctuation is that the lurking cold I thought I had shaken off returned with a vengeance on Friday meaning I had to put off Saturday's dinner with my sister, her husband and my sister-in-law. I wasn't that ill (I only felt mildy wretched) but I didn't want to either pass it on to them or my brother when they visited him in hospital. My brother-in-law, Dave, also has a reduced immune system due to a blood disorder so it wouldn't have been fair to expose him to infection.

It also means that I won't be able to visit John until I have recovered. I suppose I am not so concerned about that now as he appears to be getting better but I still feel frustrated. It's a bit like being quarantined. Actually, no. I AM being quarantined but for good reason.

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