
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It's a riot! 

We're going to Paris at Easter! Looks like we picked a great time to go. We didn't order riots.

The Foreign Office isn't that jumpy about the rioting in Paris and is just telling people to avoid areas where demonstrations are happening.

You can be sure we will be doing that. I doubt if we will be bothered by any of this too much and we will be able to get out of the way quickly enough if it becomes necessary.

These riots have been a bit of a surprise. I don't follow the news very much. I stopped reading newspapers over a year ago to give me time to write my novel and our television habits don't really include news bulletins.

Having read a little about it now, I have some sympathy with the protestors views. If I understand it correctly, young French people are protesting about new labour laws that mean that it will be a lot easier for employers to sack younger employees.

Could this be the start of a horrible trend in an aging society? What will be next?

Couldn't they have done this after we get back?

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I thought "le riot" (or is it "l'émeute"?) was all part of the Paris experience?
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