
Sunday, October 08, 2006

We Were Rocked! 

Last night, my sister, Jean, and I went to see We Will Rock You again. This was her fourth time and either seven or eight for me. I forget now.

I blogged about this earlier. You might, if you are a regular reader, remember it. I had been told that Oct 7th was to be the last night before it went on tour so I hurriedly bought tickets. Then I was told that the run had been extended so I felt cheated.

However, what we got was the best of both worlds.

Originally, we were hoping for a Last Night atmosphere. A good crowd. People joining in. No, people throwing themselves into the spirit of We Will Rock You, because it would be going away from the Dominion. I think we thought that wouldn't be the case if it really wasn't the last night.

Oh, how wrong!

The audience were filled with regulars who joined in with nearly every number, not just the finale. The cast interacted with the audience and clearly had as good a time as we were having.

Jean and I had, according to the tickets, reduced visibility seats but, well, we didn't. We were in the second row of the circle. We were able to stand at the balcony's edge for We Will Rock You, clapping and punching the air like fools. We waved our glowsticks along to We Are the Champions and bellowed YES!!! to the question "Do You Want Bohemian Rhapsody?"

We also stood in shocked amazement to see Brian May rise out of the stage in a cloud of dry-ice to play guitar along to Bo Rhap.

At times, I did lose interest, especially in the first half. Yes, I've seen that before. Nothing special here. Then the magic grew on me again and the last numbers caught hold of me and I was on my feet.

I will see it again. I know Brian May won't be playing next time. It possibly won't be as good but I want to go again. This time I want to be at the front of the stalls with the real fans.

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