Well, not quite, the training centre was in Oxfordshire and not wherever it is in America that Bill Gates hangs out. The training was given by the Training Camp.
I passed my retake but failed the other two exams, one by one question (annoying, especially as I retook the exam while I was there and got exactly the same score) and the other by a long margin (possibly more annoying - it made me feel thick - I hate that). Anyway, I am now an MCAD but not yet an MCSD.
I will do one of the retakes (the close one) in London in a few weeks but I will travel back to Oxfordshire for the other one as I will need more coaching and a minor miracle. Also, if truth be told, I rather like it there.
It's set in rather glorious grounds. Have a look at some of the pictures I took on my morning and evening walks.


The food was just as gorgeous as well. It's almost worth the pain of the classroom again.
I would recommend Training Camp and not just for the food and the scenery. They do ram the knowledge home for long enough to pass the exams and to apply it to my day job.
# posted by Robert Williams @ 5:53 pm