Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Day thirty

Day thirty, originally uploaded by DrRob.
Last one for this year!
I have learnt a few things during Movember ...
- Firstly, that growing a moustache takes me about two to three weeks before it looks anything like I would like it to look. Seeing other men with decent looking moustaches has been a treat but has made me rather jealous.
- Secondly, it is so grey! I look like someone's granddad. Well, I am 47 so I suppose it is possible. Despite that, I do actually like it. I may even keep it. I know I would keep it if I regrew the beard but part of me really likes this.
- Thirdly, that taking a picture of myself every day is a pain and is the part of Movember I absolutely hated. I have to think of something funny or I look awful.
- Fourthly, I need to lose some weight!
- And fifthly, that wallpaper really has to go.
Many thanks to all who donated money. My team raised £307 of which £172 was via my MoSpace. There's still another couple of weeks before the account closes if you want to make a sudden final donation:
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